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Mucus Plug – am I in labor?!

admin • January 25, 2023

Mucus Plug – am I in labor?!

Many clients and friends ask me about mucus plug. What is it? What color? Does it smell? Does it mean I am in active labor?  

First of all – everyone is different. Whilst one Mama can lose her plug way into labor, another one will lose it weeks before it actually starts.

Mucus plug has ability to renew, so if you lose it before your estimated due date and have no contractions and you water is intact- don’t worry. You might want to call your ob or midwife for peace of mind, but they will probably tell you the same🙂

Mucus plug is located in cervix and is a protection against all the bacteria and pathogens coming inside your uterus. Therefore often times midwives and doulas advice AGAINST cervical checks on your appointments since they could irritate cervix, loosen mucus plug and even cause some cramping and still give you no relevant information (refer to my other blog post – “Cervix is not a crystal ball”). You should not worry about intercourse though, unless stated otherwise by your provider (high risk etc).  

The texture (I know, there is no TMI with birth work) is snot-like an it is clear, white, greenish or brownish and there could be streaks of pink in it. It should have no smell to it.  

Now, when do you actually lose mucus plug? Whenever your cervix starts to dilate in preparation for labor. It could be weeks (like my friend who was dilated 3cm weeks before having her fifth baby) or hours before going into labor.  

You may lose the whole mucus at once (it is about 1 ounce) or you could be losing it gradually.  

Remember to always call your doctor or midwife if you notice bleeding. Light spotting or bleeding might be bloody show and there is absolutely nothing to worry about but I feel like it’s better to be safe😉  


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